Fallen Earth Wiki
Fallen Earth Wiki

Vehicles will not be simply found intact, unless a character wants to give one away. A vehicle represents a huge investment of resources and work and as such will likely be a status symbol.

Getting a vehicle is a long and arduous process. Not counting gathering the necessary resources, characters have to acquire knowledge about how to craft the various vehicles which includes researching the components, crafting the components, and then finally assembling them into a usable vehicle – each of these steps taking several hours. All vehicle crafting is done by use of the Science tradeskill.[1]

To get started with vehicle crafting, characters are able to do a number of quests (located in Sector 1) which on completion teaches the proper knowledge to start crafting and researching more advanced vehicles. All these quests also rewards a vehicle component that is used to craft the basic ATV.

Crafters will probably want to use one of the more storage-focused vehicles on their day-to-day travels rather than focusing on speed or sturdiness. While a motorcycle lets you carry four or so extra slots of inventory, a decked out Tornado Cargo Edition has thirty-two inventory slots.[2]

There will also be items which can be used to beef up and improve vehicles, such as nitro canisters.[3]

Vehicles allowing passengers currently does not exist, but will perhaps be added in the future.[4]

Vehicles Statistics


  • AF = Acquired From
  • RS = Required Stat
  • SA = Stat Amount
  • FT = Fuel Type
  • FE = Fuel Efficiency
  • TS = Tank Size (Stamina)
  • TSS = Total Storage Slots
  • MIW = Max Inventory Weight (Kg)
Name Category AF RS SA Type Speed Color Strength Health FT FE TS Acceleration TSS MIW Slope Armament
ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 20 Combat 32 Red 100 250 Gasoline 100 16000 Fast 20 90 600 N/A
Cargo ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 30 Cargo 32 Green 150 400 Gasoline 200 56000 Fast 36 115 600 N/A
Reinforced ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 30 Combat 32 Black 150 600 Gasoline 125 30000 Fast 20 115 700 N/A
Biodiesel ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 30 Alt Fuel 32 Blue 150 400 Biodiesel 165 48000 Fast 32 92.5 600 N/A
Electric ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 30 Alt Fuel 32 Blue 150 450 Battery 200 88000 Fast 36 115 600 N/A
Explorer ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 50 Cargo 32 Green 250 450 Biodiesel 350 80000 Fast 48 165 750 N/A
Hybrid ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 55 Fuel 32 Blue 250 500 Gasoline 500 96000 Fast 40 165 650 N/A
Assault ATV ATV Crafting Coordination 60 Combat 32 Black 250 850 Gasoline 250 80000 Fast 32 165 750 N/A
Franklin's Rider ATV ATV Crafting or Reward Coordination 45 Hybrid (Cargo & Combat) 32 Green 200 650 Battery 175 60000 Fast 32 140 600 N/A
Fallen Earth ATV ATV Marketplace (Items) Coordination 10 Combat 32 Yellow 100 550 Gasoline 150 20000 Fast 24 90 600 N/A
Motorcycle Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 25 Combat 40 Green 75 200 Gasoline 250 24000 Fast 8 77.5 400 N/A
Combat Motorcycle Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 35 Combat 40 Green 105 300 Gasoline 350 40000 Fast 10 92.5 400 N/A
Cargo Motorcycle Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 35 Cargo 40 Red 105 225 Gasoline 500 56000 Fast 20 92.5 400 N/A
Biodiesel Motorcycle Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 40 Alt Fuel 40 Blue 105 225 Biodiesel 525 64000 Fast 16 92.5 400 N/A
Electric Motorcycle Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 45 Alt Fuel 40 Blue 105 225 Battery 600 72000 Fast 18 92.5 400 N/A
Courier Bike Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 55 Cargo 40 Green 165 350 Gasoline 850 88000 Fast 28 122.5 450 N/A
Wasteland Rider Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 60 Combat 40 Blue 165 600 Biodiesel 550 56000 Fast 12 122.5 450 N/A
Nomad Speedster Motorcycle Crafting Coordination 65 High Fuel Efficiency 40 Red 165 450 Gasoline 1000 112000 Fast 20 122.5 450 N/A
Badland Rider Motorcycle Marketplace (Items) Coordination 10 Hybrid (Cargo & Combat) 40 Brown 240 600 Gasoline 1000 112000 Fast 20 180 600 N/A
Flame Rider Motorcycle Marketplace (Items) Coordination 10 Combat & Alt Fuel 40 Black & Red 165 600 Biodiesel 500 56000 Fast 14 122.5 400 N/A
Dune Buggy Dune Buggy Crafting Dexterity 35 Cargo 35 Grey 350 650 Gasoline 50 64000 Fast 44 265 500 N/A
Convoy Buggy Dune Buggy Crafting Dexterity 45 Cargo 35 Grey 450 650 Gasoline 100 96000 Fast 52 265 550 N/A
Combat Buggy Dune Buggy Crafting Dexterity 50 Combat 35 Grey 450 900 Gasoline 125 80000 Moderate 32 265 600 ZI-12 Light Machinegun
Survivalist Buggy Dune Buggy Crafting Dexterity 50 Alt Fuel 35 Grey 450 650 Biodiesel 250 88000 Fast 40 265 550 N/A
Electric Buggy Dune Buggy Crafting Dexterity 55 Alt Fuel 35 Grey 450 650 Battery 225 120000 Fast 40 265 550 N/A
Load Runner Buggy Dune Buggy Crafting Dexterity 65 Cargo 35 Grey 650 800 Gasoline 225 160000 Fast 56 365 600 N/A
Nomad Buggy Dune Buggy Crafting Dexterity 70 Alt Fuel 35 Grey 650 900 Biodiesel 300 160000 Fast 48 365 650 N/A
Scavenger's Dune Buggy Dune Buggy Marketplace (Rewards) Dexterity 35 Cargo 35 Brown 450 650 Gasoline 50 64000 Fast 44 265 500 N/A
Interceptor Speedster Interceptor Crafting Dexterity 55 Cargo 48 Grey 455 1000 Improved Gasoline 300 152000 Fast 32 267.5 300 N/A
Interceptor Security Model Interceptor Crafting Dexterity 55 Combat 48 Grey 525 1500 Improved Gasoline 225 160000 Fast 4 302.5 350 ZI Bronco
Striped Speedster Interceptor Marketplace (Rewards) Dexterity 55 Cargo 48 Grey 455 1000 Improved Gasoline 250 152000 Fast 36 267.5 350 N/A
Interceptor Monster Interceptor Marketplace (Items) N/A N/A Cargo 48 Silver 250 152000 N/A
Barbed Wire Bobtail Chopper Marketplace (Items) N/A N/A N/A 40 Green 875 88000 N/A
Flame Bobtail Chopper Marketplace (Items) N/A None Combat 40 Purple 550 56000 14 N/A
Digital Chopper Chopper Marketplace (Items) N/A None Combat 40 Blue 550 56000 14 N/A
Tribal Chopper Chopper Marketplace (Items) N/A N/A Combat 40 Red & Grey 550 56000 N/A
Jolly Bobtail Chopper Marketplace (Items) N/A None Combat 40 550 56000 14 N/A
Chopper Chopper Marketplace (Items) Coordination 45 Combat 40 Red 165 600 Gasoline 550 56000 Fast 14 122.5 400 N/A
Spiked Chopper Chopper Marketplace (Items) Coordination 10 Combat 40 Grey 165 600 Gasoline 775 88000 Moderate 16 122.5 400 N/A

Craftable vehicles

All vehicles and their components are made using the Science tradeskill.




Dune Buggies



Special Vehicles

Those vehicles are buyable in Marketplace, Reward Merchants, Auction or found in Black Boxes.



Different vehicles require different types of fuel. Fuel can be bought at most garages (which usually are located outside towns and are marked by a red gasoline can on the map). Crafters will also be able to make it using the Science tradeskill. It's unlikely that any fuel can only be obtained through a single method, but really high-end fuel will have to be made by crafters.[5]

Types of fuel:

Flying Vehicles

There are currently no plans for pilotable vehicles. A large part of the travel elements in the Fallen Earth world are based on terrain, such as huge canyons making the trip between two points three hundred yards away take a few hours instead of a few minutes. While the developers want people to be able to get where the fun is, adding the capacity to fly would make a humongous change to the overall flavor of the game and one they don't think would be a change for the better.[6]

Perhaps one day, they'll release magnetic or propelled hover vehicles, both of which are incapable of flying high above the ground.

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