Fallen Earth Wiki

The world of Fallen Earth takes place in an area west of the Hoover Dam called the Grand Canyon Province. Each of the major areas of this province are referred to as Sectors.


The major Sectors and sub-sectors are as follows:

Perhaps the most barren and desertlike of the sectors, the Plateau is where clones begin their journey after the Hoover Dam. Various gangs such as the Blade Dancers, Gully Dogs, Gaunt's Raiders, and Night Wolves make their home in this sector.
The Northfields introduces clones to a less barren land where fields of grass can survive, including some forested areas. The Union and Human League have a strong presence in this sector, as well as a sector-wide group of raiders called the Devil's Own.
Each county in Sector 4 will have its own unique look. The gray desolation of Alpha County will give way to slime and swampland in Epsilon County. In Theta, players will see the happy face that Globaltech put on for its investors and the general public. The architecture is a shining beacon of the future (although we already know how that failed to pan out). Lastly, in Omega County, players will see what happens when nature wins and the mutant plant-life completely takes over.
Grand Canyon Province

Large map of the Grand Canyon Province (as of March 2016)

Grand Canyon Providence Map as of 2022.

Grand Canyon Providence Map as of 2022.

Grand Canyon Providence Zoomed At Sectors Map as of 2022.

Grand Canyon Providence Zoomed At Sectors Map as of 2022.


